About Us

At Magic Runway our community is based on three pillars:


Planet: Helping the planet and reducing waste
Cost: Providing affordable designer clothes
Memories: Creating beautiful family memories with special outfits

Our founders Tania and Terri both look after children and noticed every year birthdays, parties, weddings, Christmas and lots of events would come along and they constantly needed new (expensive!) outfits for the kids, this felt like such a waste for our planet and cost too much. There are companies that rent out special occasion clothes for adults – so we thought why don’t we do this for kids!

Magic Runway focuses on luxury designer clothes that are beautiful unique pieces which create a magic feeling. Magic Runway is all about fun, sparkle, and creating beautiful childhood memories – with a serious cause helping tackle climate challenges and the cost of living.


Tackling climate anxiety

At Magic Runway we want to encourage the rental economy, reducing landfill and waste in the fashion industry. We want to work with families to change the way we buy, renting outfits for special occasions rather than buying new, especially as children grow up so quickly, we don’t want to be throwing away clothes annually.


Affordable designer clothes

We believe designer high quality fashion should be accessible to all, we love that we can give families access to high-end pieces for around 30% of the original cost – we love saving. With the cost of living crisis at the moment and burden, especially to hard working parents, we want to help.


Special family memories

We know how quickly childhood flies by, we believe providing beautiful designer pieces for families helps create memories that last a lifetime. We know your little one will remember that special dress or suit they wore on their birthday or a party. Our outfits are carefully selected and all beautiful.

Meet the founders….

Hi everyone,

A bit about us –  we both live in London and have been friends for years after meeting on a fitness retreat. We spend our time drinking prosecco, travelling, having brunch, planning projects and also the gym still too.. 🙂

We have big hearts (maybe too big!) ,we genuinely love helping people and have a passion for business, especially female entrepreneurship. We both have other businesses and children or look after kids.

We love interacting with customers and our dream is to keep building the magic runway community based on affordable, beautiful designer clothes that help the planet and create magical family memories

We’re excited you’re here – message us any time, 

Tania & Terri xx